Billing Schedule
Fall bills will be available on June 24, 2024 via DukeHub and are due August 1, 2024. Spring 2025 bills will be prepared on November 25, 2024 and will be due the fourth business day in January 2025. You will receive an email when these are available on DukeHub.
Please review the Student Account Bills page for more information.
Tuition and Fees Refund Policy
Tuition and mandatory fees are required to be paid in full, regardless of:
- the method of instruction and/or mode of academic delivery;
- any changes to instructional content, schedule, or duration of the semester;
- any inability to access Duke University-maintained facilities; and
- any disruption to or cancellation of activities, events, services or programs during the academic year.
For the avoidance of doubt, and as has been the Policy of Duke University in the past, tuition and mandatory fees will not be refunded in whole or in part for any reason, except as provided for under the Refund Policy. By paying the tuition and mandatory fees, the student and anyone paying tuition on his or her behalf acknowledges and accepts these terms.
University Cashiering
University Cashiering provides over-the-counter service Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Our office is located in Bay 8 of the Smith Building.
Drop Safe in Bryan Center
Sealed deposit bags may be placed in the drop safe located on the lower level of the Bryan Center next to the Post Office. This area is under camera surveillance. For each deposit, please complete the log on the counter next to the drop safe. Items left here will be delivered to University Cashiering for processing.
You will need your DukeCard to enter either the Bryan Center or Smith Building.
University Cashiering
An ungated metered area open to all visitors is located on the South Side of Smith Warehouse on the corner of Buchannan Blvd. and Maxwell St. The meter is in effect from 7am to 9pm weekdays and 9am to 9pm weekends. The rate is $2 per hour but visitors parking less than 15 minutes are not assessed a charge. All visitors must obtain a dashboard pass regardless of the amount of time you will be parking to avoid being ticketed. Please enter your license plate number, the amount of time you will be parking to receive a dashboard pass.
Route CSW of Duke's Parking & Transportation stops in front of the Smith Warehouse every half hour during normal business hours.