This policy covers both the issuance of new contractor badges and the yearly renewal.

  1. In order to maintain consistency with staff requirements, contractor badge applicant must do the following in order to obtain a badge:
    • Register and provide credentials to our web based vendor repository at  Should you have technical difficulty, please contact Vendormate customer service at 1 (888) 476-0377.
    • When you are fully compliant, please contact Director Clinical Resource Management, Procurement & Supply Chain Management @ (919) 681-5900, or (919) 684-4010 to inform of this approval.
    • Upon this notification, Procurement will provide the requester with the “badge request form”, and the vendor applicant will be eligible to obtain the badge at the Medical Center Card Office.
    • If access to any area or restricted areas is needed, contractor must obtain that permission from the appropriate Leadership for that area. Being approved for the contractor badge does not guarantee access to restricted areas that require electronic badge access.
  2. The badges are obtained and paid for by the vendor at the Medical Center Card Office, which is located in Duke South, in the basement level, next to the Medical Center Bookstore. This is very near the cafeteria.
  3. This badge is not transferable and will be surrendered upon request and/or when contractor term or relationship ends.
  4. Activities such as inservicing, marketing, sales, presence due to company related internships, and folks who require temporary identification for outside service engagement, do NOT qualify the person to be eligible for contractor status.
  5. Renewal of badge requires Vendormate approval.  Some documents expire yearly. You will receive a reminder from Vendormate when those items are up for renewal.
  6. Contractor will abide by all Duke policies.


  1. A person whose attendance is required at Duke, in order to ensure the integrity of the product by providing ongoing maintenance or service of equipment.
  2. A person who is not employed by DUHS, but who works on the premises as their function is outsourced by DUHS, known as an 'affiliate'.
  3. A person who manages their company's inventory, which is consigned to Duke.
  4. Activities such as inservicing, marketing, sales, presence due to company related internships, and folks who require temporary identification for outside service engagement, do NOT qualify the person to be eligible for contractor status.



A contractor is defined as an employee representative of a company other than Duke, DUHS or its affiliates, whose primary responsibility and whose primary place of business resides at Duke. A contractor is also defined as someone whose presence at Duke is required regularly (more than two days/week each week).  This requirement is contractually agreed upon.