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Vice President for Finance & University Treasurer
RAchel L. Satterfield

Rachel Satterfield became Vice President for Finance in October 2020 and assumed the Treasurer role in March 2023. In this capacity, she is responsible for managing the university’s financial functions and overseeing its debt and cash management programs. She recently established a financial planning team, charged with performing the analysis needed to inform academic leadership decision-making with regards to allocation of capital and operating funds. Previously, she served as associate vice president for finance and University controller. She reports to the executive vice president and also serves as an administrative liaison to the Resources Committee of the Board of Trustees.
Satterfield has more than 20 years of experience in accounting and finance within higher education. Prior to joining Duke in May 2001, she was an audit manager at KPMG LLP, responsible for auditing a number of private higher education institutions including Duke, Wake Forest and Davidson. Satterfield earned her bachelor's of business administration and master's of accounting degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.