Temporary Storage
Duke University and Duke University Health System offer temporary storage (non-records) on a month-to-month basis. Please email Storr at Dukerequests@Storr.com to schedule a pick-up of items that need to be stored.
For an inventory of items that you currently have in storage, please send a request via email to donna.neal@duke.edu and include your IR reference number and cost center from your billing or financial statement.
Confidential Records / File Storage
It is always preferred that sensitive data be destroyed once it is no longer needed. Records containing any of the following data or information is considered sensitive in nature, and must be stored appropriately. For this reason, Duke Storage cannot store boxes of files, records or filing cabinets containing any documents:
- Social Security numbers
- Credit Card numbers
- ePHI (HIPAA –protected data)
- FERPA-protected data (non-directory information)
- Prospective student data
- Donor data
- Contract data
- Financial data
- HR data
- Physical Plant details
- Protected or Confidential research data
- Certain management information
Should the need arise to store files/records, please contact one of our approved, secure records storage facilities:
Access Information Management
Brenda Medlin
Regional Account Executive
3835 South Alston Avenue
Durham, NC 27713
Phone: 919-338-4824
Email: bmedlin@accesscorp.com