Card Program Services administers the Duke University Corporate Card Program. The following oversight functions are performed by Card Program Services.
Transaction Review
All Corporate Card transactions are reviewed in WORKS to ensure proper coding and to ensure the transactions have been substantiated properly. Transactions will be returned to WORKS administrators if inappropriate codes or if inadequate documentation is provided.
Transaction Audits
Corporate Card transactions are imported into WORKS on a daily basis. Card Program Services reviews the Corporate Card transactions when they are first imported into WORKS. If unusual transactions are identified, Employee Travel & Reimbursement sends an email to the cardholder and the cardholder's business manager requesting additional information about the transaction.
Bi-monthly Audits
On a bi-monthly basis, cardholder transactions are randomly selected for audit. An email is sent to the selected WORKS administrators and cardholders requesting that copies of the cardholder's receipts be submitted to Card Program Services for review.
Quarterly Write-offs
At the end of each quarter, all transactions that remain outstanding are written-off and mapped to the general ledger using G/L account 695600 (Losses and damages.) Cardholders who have three or more transactions written-off receive card suspensions. Card Program Services sends an email notification to cardholders, their business managers, and their respective management centers when the cardholder's privileges are suspended.
Mapping of Transactions to the General Ledger
Transactions that are coded and documented correctly are mapped from WORKS to the general ledger each month. For scheduled mapping dates, please see the mapping schedule.
Reporting Fraudulent Activity Involving the Corporate Card
Card Program Services reports all fraudulent use of the Corporate Card to the offices of Internal Audit and Duke Police.