The Duke Green Purchasing Program helps Duke purchasers and employees make environmentally responsible choices. By conserving resources, preventing pollution, and opting for safe materials, we can make a positive impact on our environment and community. Our purchasers take into consideration the impact of products on the environment and human health, giving preference to more environmentally friendly products when quality and cost performance are equal or superior.
See Duke's Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guidelines for additional information on responsible purchasing.
Duke Carbon Offsets Available for Purchase
Departments or individuals wishing to make a purchase of offsets to neutralize any emissions that cannot be avoided are directed to purchase offsets through the Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative.
Energy StaR
In all areas for which ENERGY STAR ratings exist, the products that Duke purchases will be ENERGY STAR certified or meet the performance requirements for ENERGY STAR certification. In areas for which guidelines are not available, Duke will seek energy efficient products.
We all want to do our part, but being environmentally responsible can be a challenge. The EPA's Energy Star program can help! Energy Star sets high efficiency standards and certifies products that meet or exceed those standards. Rest assured that an Energy Star certified product is among the most efficient available.
By conserving energy, Duke purchasers:
- Reduce utility costs
- Reduce fossil fuel use
- Prevent emission of greenhouse gases
- Prevent emission of health hazards including mercury and sulfur dioxide
Duke has made a commitment to excellence in environmental stewardship. In doing so, Duke has also made a commitment to the health of our community, the conservation of our natural resources, and the quality of our future. With your help, we can keep the skies over Duke clear, clean, and blue.