General Liability Insurance is a self-insured program that provides coverage for property damage, bodily injury, or personal injury to a third party for which the University is legally liable. Coverage is provided to University trustees, officers, and employees for their legal liability for actions within the scope of their duties.

Note: Duke University is self-insured for general liability and automobile liability insurance. It is the policy of the University not to add third parties as additional insured parties as is sometimes requested in contracts or other written agreements.

Reporting a Claim

  1. Report the incident to Duke Police at (919) 684-2444
  2. Notify Corporate Risk Management
  3. Please provide the following information:
    • Date, time, and location of incident
    • Description of incident and resulting damage or injury
    • Injured party’s name, address, and phone number
    • Date incident was reported and name of University official notified
    • Name and phone number of all witnesses
    • Photos of the damaged property or injury (if possible)

The person making the claim against Duke (claimant) should be referred to Corporate Risk Management. If you speak to a claimant or potential claimant, do not make any admissions of fault or promises of payment.