Buy@Duke Report Step-by-Step Guide

  • A Step-by-Step instructions for running Buy@Duke Historical Reports

Buy@Duke Report Summaries

  • Outlines of the reports, target users, suggested use, options for selection criteria and the information available in the report results

Buy@Duke Report Hints

  • Hints for running Buy@Duke reports, using the search feature for selection criteria and report terminology. Quick reference guides for saving query variants, personalization, adding subtotals, back/undo functionality and report security.

Buy@Duke: Reporting Summaries

Outlines of the reports, target users, suggested use, options for selection criteria and the information available in the report results...

Buy@Duke: Reporting Hints

Hints for running Buy@Duke reports, using the search feature for selection criteria and report terminology. Quick reference guides for saving query variants, personalization, adding subtotals, back/undo functionality and report security.