Certified Acceptance Agent

An acceptance agent is a person or entity (in this case, Duke University) who, pursuant to a written agreement with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is authorized to assist foreign individuals who do not qualify for a Social Security Number (SSN), but who still needs a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) because they are receiving a fellowship, scholarship, grant, or honorarium payment.

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)

The ITIN is a 9-digit number the IRS issues to foreign individuals who need a US taxpayer ID but are not eligible for a SSN because they will not be working but will be receiving compensation in the form of a fellowship, scholarship, or grant.  This will provide a means to efficiently process and account for payments for those not eligible for an SSN.

Applying for an ITIN


The first step in applying for an ITIN is to contact Duke Visa Services (DVS).  They will provide the current steps to take to apply for the ITIN.


The hosting department or individual responsible for payment processing will need to contact Jackie Pollmiller in the Duke Corporate Tax Department, Jackie.pollmiller@duke.edu.

Frequently Asked Questions