Assigned by payroll area, Department Payroll Representatives play a critical role in payroll processes throughout Duke University and Duke University Health System. The role of the Department Payroll Representative is to:
- Function as the liaison between the Corporate Payroll Services team and the employee.
- Understand and administer Duke University and/or Health System pay policies and compliance requirements.
- Initiate master data and payment transactions for employees.
- Review/maintain reports and data generated by Corporate Payroll Services to ensure accurate and timely payments.
- Maintain Employee to Supervisor relationships to support time reporting, performance management and other processes.
A searchable list includes payroll representatives and their contact phone numbers, as well as the names of the department heads for all Duke payroll areas and all Duke organizational keys.
SEarch for a Department payroll Representative
Faculty/Staff: Select this link to view and search the current list of Faculty/Staff Department Payroll Representatives.
Bi-weekly: Select this link to view and search the current list of Bi-weekly Department Payroll Representatives.
Non-compensatory: Select this link to view and search the current list of Non-compensatory Department Payroll Representatives.
To search, highlight the sheet by selecting the box in the top left hand corner and use Control F to enter your search criteria.
Change Request
Use the Request Change to Department Payroll Contacts List form to update contact information for a Departmental Payroll Representative or a Department Head. This form may also be used to establish a new organizational key or change the department name associated with an existing organizational key.
Locate a Representative
Modify the List