The Time and Attendance System is a web-based technology that is used by Heath System and some areas of the University and the School of Medicine to enter, edit and approve time for non-exempt employees. Additionally, it is the system for tracking PTO for monthly Health System employees. The online learning outlined below, reviews how to use the Time and Attendance System if you are a time card editor or an approver who also edit time cards. Please note, much of this online learning is geared towards approvers who are also responsible for editing time cards. For those Approvers who only approve, please watch the videos labeled specifically for approvers.
Specific training is required for new time card editors and approvers who edit time cards. New approvers MUST complete training before being granted access to the Time and Attendance System. More information about required training can be found here. To request access or if you are unclear as to your role, work with your designated liaison.
Time Cards can also be approved using the Time and Attendance Mobile App. For more information, go to Approving Exempt Employees on Mobile Devices or Approving Non-exempt Employees on Mobile Devices.
For problems using Time and Attendance, users should contact DHTS or OIT depending on who provides IT support for your area. For questions about the online learning, please contact
The online training modules listed below are required for editors and approver who have time card editing responsibilities.
Please note: The first nine videos are required for system access. The remaining videos are optional and helpful to understanding the system.
Video Series
Videos Required for Access
1. Editing Overview
2. Home Screen
3. LaborView Overview
4. LaborView - Employee Pending Requests
5. How to Add Special Codes
6. Adding Out of Position Pay
7. LaborView - Employees with Exceptions Counts
8. How to Forward Rights
9. Viewing the Time Card Screen
- Time Card Screen - Far Left Card, Navigation, Submitting Requests
- How to Float Time
- The Transactions List
- Time Card Screen (TCS) - Bottom Left
- Time Card Screen (TCS) - Bottom Right
Optional Videos
10. Quick Badge
11. Actions Section
12. Preferences
13. Help Section
14. Logout and Conclusion