- Understand key terminology in order to better communicate accounts payable information within the department and between the department and corporate functions.
- Understand the different methods of procuring goods and services at Duke University or Duke University Health System (DUHS).
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of different departments who are involved in procuring and/or paying for goods/services.
- Understand supporting documentation requirements necessary to do any of the following:
- Establish a requisition/Created a Buy@Duke shopping cart
- Pay a vendor
- Issue an AP check via an AP check request
- Improve decision making when determining which procurement method is most appropriate.
- Apply guidance and compliance requirements defined in General Accounting Procures (GAPs) as they apply to procuring and paying for goods/services.
- Understand the federal/state compliance requirements that apply to invoice payments and how these impact Duke’s policies and procedures.
- Access information in SAP to understand the status of an invoice payment.
- Understand the communication tools used to address problem invoices and the appropriate steps to take based up the type of notification received.
- SAP Workflow
- APay Reply
- Apply a variety of different strategies to access information in SAP based upon the information on hand.
- Particular focus given to numerous SAP transactions
- Apply General Ledger accounting to goods/services expenses.
- Understand the basics of Duke's Accounting Structure.
- Understand the variety of different types of purchase orders that can be established and specifics about each type of order.
- Understand how to process an AP Check Request including permissibility and processing requirements.
- Understand the complexity of issuing payments to Foreign Nationals.
- Understand the specifics of issuing payments to Foreign Companies particularly when the purchase is for a service.
- Understand how to establish a purchase order using either electronic requisitioning through SAP or using paper requisitions.
- Understand the compliance and reporting requirements that must be followed when making the determination if an individual should be paid as an employee or an independent contractor.
- Discuss and review tools designed to help departments determine if an individual should be an employee or an independent contractor
- Employee vs. Independent Contractor Determination Matrix
- The Independent Contractor Checklist
- The Short-term Hire Matrix
- Understand the process for goods receipt and the impacts of goods receipt on how something pays and posts.*
*Only applies to individuals in departments currently using goods receipt.
This certification does not provide a recipient with the following:
- Detailed understanding of specific departmental policies and/or procedures applicable to the procuring of goods/services.