What is DADD?

DADD is the Duke Alumni Development Database and is the system of record for all donor and gift information for Duke University and Duke Heath Development. DADD is jointly supported by ASM and OIT, including ADS (Alumni Development Systems).

DADD is based on the SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Fundraising Management (FRM) platforms and allows for:

  • Biographical data updates and viewing for donors or prospective donors to Duke University and Duke Health. This includes information about individuals, corporations, foundations and groups. Types of biographical information include:
    • Contact details
    • Relationships
    • Opt In/Out Codes
    • Degree details
    • Alerts
    • Alumni and/or Business Activities, such as Committee membership, Event attendance, Student life activities, etc.
  • Gift receipts, pledge acknowledgments, and pledge statements for donors
  • Information collection and tracking for prospect donors, such as Moves and Solicitations
  • Capture of important supporting documentation, such as Endowment Reports
  • Access to the Enquire reporting tool
  • Reporting on donor biographical and giving data through SAP BI and other Duke specific custom reports

DADD is available, with proper authorization, through Duke@Work.