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Time & Attendance: Types of Exceptions & Messages

This section contains any exceptions the employee may have including those from Calculations, Posting, or Interface Creation. There are two levels of exceptions: 

  • Level 1 (Critical Exceptions – noted by red checks - must be corrected in order for the employee to be paid)
  • Level 2 (Warnings – noted by black checks – the employee may not be paid all hours submitted)

Critical errors require action to be taken before the pay period locks in the Time & Attendance. Any unresolved critical errors result in the employee not being paid. This section only prints when an exception exists.

1An odd clockingEmployee failed to badge in or outEnter appropriate date and time on bottom line on clocking grid in the date filed and time fields
1Insufficient BalanceThe employee’s STB has fewer PTO hours (or accrued time off) than the hours entered in the calendar screenUse override codes in the calendar screen. Use Override code 10 to change scheduled PTO (or accrued time off) to unpaid time and Override 12 to change unscheduled PTO (or accrued time off) to unpaid time. The employee will be paid all available hours.
1Rate must be entered for out of position pay.The special code OP (out of position pay) was used and rate was not entered.Enter rate for out of position. Out of position rate is the difference between the employee’s regular rate and the rate for out of position. Needs R&R approval before using.
1Uncalculated clocking exists in previous pay period.Clocking (usually the first one for the pay period) may have paired up with the final clocking from the previous pay period and if it calculated in the previous pay period, the system will not accept the same clocking in the new pay period.Review previous timecard to confirm whether clocking posted in previous pay period, and whether this was correct or not. Gross adjustment can be done to correct payment if the error was in the previous pay period. Clocking must be deleted from current timecard and processed manually if the hours should be paid in the current pay period.
2Employee has not been approved, employee processed.Timecard(s) has not been approved.Once the pay period is locked by Corporate Payroll, there is no provision to approve timecards.
2Employee used out only special code when swiping inSome special codes should be entered only on the out swipeDelete the special code from the in swipe and add the special code on the out swipe in the clocking screen
2Ineligible employee used special code (out of position, stand by, inconvenience, emergency called back, or stand-by called back)Certain special codes require approval from Rewards and Recognition.Have to have prior approval to use these codes. Contact Rewards and Recognition to verify eligibility; then contact Central Payroll to correct the error.
2Employee submitted benefits hours during their probationary periodDuring the first 90 days of employment, PTO (or accrued time off) cannot be enteredEmployee can use accrued Benefit time if a major Holiday falls in probationary period and the department is formally closed. Submit Gross Adjustment to Corp Payroll.
2Employee reported hours in excess of approved hours and submitted benefit timeEmployee’s total hours for the pay period is greater than the approved hours. Ex. the employee is full time (80 hrs/pp) the employee worked 70 hours and had 16 hours of PTO (or accrued time off) for a total of 86 hoursIf the employee’s time is correct no action is required.
2A stand by-called back shift did not overlap a stand by schedule.An employee that was required to return to work while on stand-by (on call) worked hours outside of the original stand by (on-call) shiftSupervisor should verify that the original stand by shift was entered correctly. The standby scheduled shift is entered on the Calendar.
2Hours detected for an inactive employee, hours not paid.Employee has been placed in an inactive status –terminate or unpaid leave.If the status is incorrect, a PCN must be submitted to Corporate Payroll to correct the status.
2Invalid dept/cc found for facility, posted with home labor dist (0030)The cost center entered by the employee when floated was invalid.Supervisor to change the cost center to a valid cost center
2A “both” special code was used only on one swipe.When certain special codes are used, the special code must be placed on the in and out swipeEnter special code on both the in and the out swipes. If clock in an out for lunch, put on all the punches
2Benefit time was submitted in increments exceeding employee daily hours.The maximum amount of PTO hours (or time off) that can be submitted per day cannot exceed the employee’s daily hours as recorded in ee information on the bottom of the timecardSupervisor verifies that employee’s daily hours are correct. If incorrect, a Staff Change Form must be submitted to Corporate Payroll. There are 8, 10 and 12 hour employees. It is necessary to put in the correct number of hours per day for time off.
2Ineligible employee submitted benefits pay code.Ineligible employees, those in a casual status, or who work less than 20 hours per week are not eligible for benefitsContact Rewards and Recognition to verify eligibility, then contact Central Payroll to correct error.
2Out swipe generated because of special code change.There are special codes that must be entered on both an in and out swipe. If the employee fails to enter the special code on the out swipe, the system generates an out swipe with the special code.Supervisor to delete out swipe entered by the employee (the swipe without a special code).
2Out swipe generated because of labor distribution change.When an employee floats to another department, they must enter the float cost center on the in and out swipe. If the employee fails to enter the float cost center on the out punch, the system generates an out swipe with the float cost center.Delete swiping that does not show the department to which the employee floated
3New pay period has opened and employee’s time card has not calculatedWhen a new pay period opens the timecards go through a process of distribution that usually takes 4-6 hours to completeNo action is required the message disappears as timecards pass through the calculation servers





Family leave not submitted within the family leave submit periodThe system has no history regarding the employee's eligibility for FML. The system has no recorded start date for the leave.Contact your departmental payroll representative for assistance


FMLA Not Eligible Due to Hours Worked in Previous Months (Hours Paid)The employee has recorded hours in the system is less than the required 1250 during the past 12 months. The employee may have transferred to a different position and the system does not have records of all actual hours worked.Verify the number of hours the employee has worked over the past 12 months


FMLA Not Eligible –Employee Exceeded FMLA Maximum HoursEmployee has exceeded their maximum number of hours that can be applied to Family Medical LeavePay Code Entries must be changed to regular pay codes i.e. PTOS, LTPTS, CRYBKManagers should contact HR for assistance with the appropriate type of leave.


Insufficient BalanceThe system has noted that the employee has depleted hours in either or both Carry Over Bank or Long Term Bank.No resolution required for Level 2 message.


Insufficient BalanceThe employee has no available benefit time to be applied to FML
{Biweekly Employees}
The FML pay code should automatically change to FMLUP for biweekly employees and not give the Insufficient Balance message. The employee will be paid for only available hours.This differs from normal PTO/time-off entries. Non-FMLA messages would be corrected with the use of override codes.


Insufficient BalanceThe employee has no available benefit time to be applied to FML pay codes.{Salaried Employees}Salaried employees are paid a set number of approved hours per month. If all benefit banks are depleted, contact your payroll representative to complete and submit a pay exception for the unavailable FMLUP hours.
  • Contact your Departmental Payroll Representatives for questions pertaining to the use of FML codes in the Time and Attendance system.
  • To set up a biweekly paid person for Family Medical Leave, fill out the correct payroll form; contact Corporate Payroll and send an email to the API Resource Group.
  • To set up a monthly paid person for Family Medical Leave, fill out the correct payroll form.
  • Parental Leave: for a full time employee = 120 hours.


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