The Cost and Reimbursement Accounting Office ensures awareness and adherence of compliance through training, maintaining policies and procedures and monitoring.
- Informs the University community about the standards of conduct and ethical obligations under the Compliance Program.
- Monitors compliance activities, including policies and procedures, and training and education programs.
- Serves as a resource to the University on matters of compliance. Provides advice and assists in communication on the impact of proposed costing legislation and regulatory initiatives and assesses the regulatory impact on the Cost Accounting Standards Board Disclosure Statement (CASB DS-2) and internal business processes.
- Maintains a help line for compliance matters.
- Investigates non-fraudulent financial compliance questions/issues using available resources such as sponsor regulations, University policies and procedures, and the network of informed individuals such as the PI, Departmental or Research Administrator, Business Manager, Chair or Dean. If the questions/issues remain unresolved or if it seems inappropriate to use the above resources, contact the Office of Sponsored Programs for assistance.
- All instances of possible fraud must be reported to the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance regardless of the value involved. Internal Audit provides a reporting hotline.