This site provides information and resources for post-award administration of sponsored funds and the compliance and reporting requirements for these funds, which are coordinated by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Research Costing Compliance (RCC).

Pre-award support is coordinated by the Office of Research Support (for departments with Org Units of 04xx xxx xxx through 60xx xxx xxx) or the Office of Research Administration (for departments with Org Units of 68xx xxx xxx). 

Department Contacts

Uniform Guidance (UG)

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is streamlining the Federal government's guidance on Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal awards.


myRESEARCHhome provides a single location for research-related tasks and information, putting relevant applications, resources, and information - specific to you and your projects - at your fingertips. It includes reports and functions previously available in MyResearch, which was accessed in Duke@WORK. You must log in using your Duke credentials to access myRESEARCHhome.

Research Administration Continuous Improvement (RACI)

RACI is an initiative to enhance Duke's research support structure to provide efficient and effective grant administrative support systems.



Research Administration Town Hall - April 13, 2021

April 6, 2021

Register for the Event Here

Please join us for a virtual Research Administration Town Hall on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. We will provide operational, procedural and regulatory updates on topics related to pre- and post-award management, including the updated NIH Other Support and Biosketch forms. Other topics will include pre-award submission procedures and forthcoming myRESEARCHhome forms.

Research Administration Continuing Education Opportunities

April 1, 2021

We are pleased to announce some upcoming Continuing Education offerings.

Please note that if you've already met you FY21 CE requirement, we are planning to offer these webinars again in FY2022.

Research Administration Town Hall - February 22, 2021

February 4, 2021

Please mark your calendar for a Research Administration Virtual Town Hall on Monday, February 22 from 3:00-4:30 pm. We will provide operational, policy, and regulatory updates on topics related to pre- and post-award project management.

Research Administration leaders from the Provost Management Center (PAMC), Central Administation (CAMC), and the Medicine and Nursing Management Center (MNMC) will provide updates and presentations, and this Town Hall will take the place of the ORS Quarterly meeting and the ORA Bi-Monthly Town Hall previously scheduled for Thursday, February 25. 

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Coming Soon: S4 SAP Update

The SAP upgrade to S4 is scheduled to begin April 11. Find out information on the transition schedule, resource information on new features, and training opportunities.