What types of businesses qualify as diverse suppliers?

Procurement & Supply Chain takes an active role in developing relationships with small, minority-owned, woman-owned, veteran-owned, disabled-owned and LGBTQ+owned firms. Firms must be certified by a third party or must self-certify with Duke University and Duke University Health System.

What are the certification requirements?

Duke will accept diverse certification from any local, city or state government agency as well as any regional or national agency. Firms doing business with Duke should re-confirm status every two years.

How should interested businesses make contact with the Duke Supplier Diversity Program?

Email the Supplier Diversity Coordinator, with a one-page capabilities statement. Your information will be distributed to the proper Procurement Sourcing Manager and/or Duke Department.  Should there be a need for your goods or services, you will be contacted to discuss current or future needs. 

What does Duke require of its suppliers?

All suppliers must abide by the Duke Purchase Order Terms & Conditions. Firms interacting with the Health System, Private Diagnostic Clinic (PDC), School of Medicine, or School of Nursing must abide by the Vendor Code of Conduct. Additional information for vendors is available at Procurement > Vendor Information.