Process for Monthly Pre-Approval of Exempt Employee Pay

In each of the last two years, our external auditors, KPMG, have noted instances whereby terminated employees continued to have access to certain University and Health System information systems.  In addition, instances were noted in which terminated exempt (monthly-paid) employees continued to be included in payroll systems for a period of time after their true termination date.  As a result of not processing appropriate, timely termination notifications, the Health System has occasionally paid ex-employees for several months after their termination through direct payroll deposits.  This is an unacceptable situation.  It is the responsibility of departmental managers and supervisors to notify Payroll and Human Resources immediately upon employment termination of both exempt and non-exempt employees.  The termination notification process has been simplified by the introduction of the “iForms” online termination form and it should be used in accordance with University and Health System policy. 

Effective beginning April 1, 2008, as an added internal control over exempt employee monthly payroll, departmental managers and supervisors will be asked to complete an additional review in “ReportXpress” at the beginning of each monthly pay period.  The procedure for Approving Exempt Employee Time Records includes a new step for Current Period Time Records.  For an exempt employee that has been or will be terminated in the current period/month, the manager/supervisor must ensure the appropriate iForm has been prepared, approved and submitted to avoid overpayment to the employee.  Once all exempt employees in the department have been reviewed and corrected in the ReportXpress system, a copy of the correct employee listing should be printed, signed and dated, and filed in the department as proof of a timely review. 



Issued Date

April 1, 2008

Last Revised

March 14, 2008

Policy types



Policies, Payroll - Policies