These drop box locations are used to send documents to the Duke Finance departments located at 705 Broad Street and the Washington Building at the American Tobacco Campus.

Corporate Payroll Services
705 Broad Street
Pick-Up: M-F, 8am, 11am, 2pm, 4pm

Duke Hospital South
Green Zone Basement Mailroom
Pick-Up: M-F, 8am

Duke Hospital North
T-Level, Next to ATM Machines
Pick-Up: M-F, 8:30am, 1:45pm

University Cashier
Smith Warehouse, Bay 8
Pick-Up: M-F, 9am, 1:40pm

American Tobacco Campus
Washington Bldg, Bay 8
Floor 1 Mailroom
Pick-Up: M-F, 9:10am, 1:30pm

Sponsored Programs
Erwin Square, 2200 W. Main Street
Suite 300 (3rd floor)
Pick-Up: M-F, 8:45am

Duke Regional Hospital (formerly Durham Regional Hospital)
Pick-Up: M-F, 1pm

Environmental Hall (new building next to the Levine Science Research Center)
Basement Level - Floor 0, Across from elevators
Pick-Up: M-F, 2pm

Lake View
2608 Erwin Road, Suite 300
Pavillion East entrance
Pick-Up: M-F, 9am