Vendors must contact Procurement and Supply Chain Management in order to establish a business relationship with Duke University and Duke University Health System. Please refer to the General Procurement Questions and Support section for the appropriate Procurement and Supply Chain Management contact information.

Procurement and Supply Chain Management must register all new vendors prior to an order being placed with a vendor, or prior to any contractual relationship or other type of affiliation with a vendor.  Prospective vendors are required to complete the Duke University Vendor Registration Form and supporting documentation.

Procurement and Supply Chain Management will verify that the prospective vendor has neither been convicted of a criminal offense related to healthcare nor currently sanctioned by the Federal or State Government, by querying the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and General Services Administration (GSA) databases through their respective web sites. 

Financial Services can register new vendors when processing Accounts Payable Check Requests in accordance Duke General Accounting Procedures (GAP). Financial Services will also perform the same criminal offense verification and validation.