
Time & Attendance System Issues Reported and Resolved

February 5, 2013

In response to your recent calls and emails, Corporate Payroll Services would like to update you on two system issues that have now been resolved...

Regulatory Tax Changes for Calendar Year 2013

January 3, 2013

In response to the federal regulatory changes that were approved January 2, 2013, the following revisions will be reflected in the payroll checks/vouchers and other payments issued by Duke University and Health System in calendar year 2013.

Space Consolidation and Department Relocations

December 12, 2012

Space consolidation and department relocations are happening in Financial Services on the American Tobacco Campus (ATC). These changes will result in significant savings to the University. Over the next couple of months, several changes will be made in department locations...

SOM Users - Fringe Benefit Rate Update

November 29, 2012

The FY14 projected fringe benefit rate for house staff and post docs has changed ...

Time and Attendance Update for Monthly Employees

November 29, 2012

An unexpected feature of the Time and Attendance upgrade has been brought to our attention. The employee request lockdown that was implemented for biweekly employees now applies to monthly employees as well. Therefore, at 10:00am on December 1st the system will prevent monthly employees from submitting any further requests for November.

Time & Attendance Weblink Change

October 19, 2012

There have been numerous reports of issues with blank screens when signing on to the Time and Attendance System from Duke@Work. In order to eliminate any barriers to using the new system, we are removing the link in Duke@Work. 

FEDEX Billing Changes

October 18, 2012

FedEx and Duke Accounts Payable will implement a new electronic process for posting FedEx invoices effective with the October billing.

Changes in Hiring Process

September 4, 2012

Effective August 6, 2012, Duke launched a new electronic process for background checks for staff and an electronic process for I9 and E-Verify for ALL new hires, including faculty and students. As a reminder, there are a few process changes, including the following...

API Time & Attendance and Staffing/Scheduling Upgrade

August 24, 2012

We are pleased to announce the implementation date for the API System Upgrade. Effective October 8, 2012, departments and employees who are currently using these tools will transition to the upgraded system...

New Notification Process for Unapproved Electronic Time Cards

July 16, 2012

As a follow up to previous communications regarding the electronic primary and secondary time cards, all primary and back up approvers using the Electronic Time Reporting tool through Duke@Work will receive an e-mail notification beginning this evening, July 16, 2012.

Implementation of the SAP Accounts Receivable Module for Sponsored Research

July 5, 2012

Duke Finance is pleased to announce the implementation of the SAP Accounts Receivable module for sponsored research. The first phase of the roll-out includes...

Electronic Secondary Time Card and iForm Initiative

May 16, 2012

We are excited to provide updates on another initiative which transitions departments from manual paper processes to automated online transactions.  Effective June 4, 2012, in conjunction with the biweekly pay period 13, Corporate Payroll Services in partnership with our colleagues in Administrative Systems Management and departmental representatives will introduce an electronic secondary time card, as well as a new secondary position iForm.

API Systems are Available for Use

February 1, 2012

As a follow up to the previous communication regarding the conversion from our current Oracle database to a SQL Server database, we wanted to notify you that this conversion has been successfully completed.  The changes should be transparent to all users.

Buy@Duke Unvailable During Weekend for Maintenance

December 8, 2011

The Buy@Duke system will be unavailable from 8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 10 until 6 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 11 for annual maintenance.

Notice of Business Process Change Related to Fiscal Month Close

November 14, 2011

Business Managers throughout Duke:

The University and Health System will transition from the 5/4/4 month end close process to a true calendar month end close beginning in July 2012 (fiscal 2013).  This change is intended to eliminate some of the monthly reporting anomalies identified over the years under the historical 5/4/4 approach.

Users Help Enhance New Buy@Duke Purchasing Tool

November 7, 2011

Duke has recently introduced a number of enhancements to the Buy@Duke e-procurement tool after feedback from pilot participants. 

Satterfield names Assistant Vice President for Finance and University Controller

October 11, 2011

Satterfield named Assistant Vice President for Finance and University Controller

Guidance Document on Mobile Communication Devices and Service

October 11, 2011

Business Managers within the CAMC, PAMC, and MCMC:

As many of you know, the University has implemented a new mobile communications program over the past two years.  The attached document provides guidance on the new program and the related administrative expectations.

Phishing Email Alert!

October 5, 2011

Works Administrators, Duke University and Duke University Health System staff have reported phishing emails that appear to have been received from Bank of America.  Please inform staff in your department of this phishing scam and advise them they should delete any emails they receive with a “*** Important Notification - Code ID” subject line without clicking on any of the embedded links.

New Drop Box Location at Nicholas School

August 22, 2011

In our ongoing effort to provide customer service enhancements, we continue to assess locations of drop boxes for departmental conveniences.  Our partners in the Nicholas School helped to facilitate the request for this recent addition.

Financial Services 2018/2019 Fiscal Year-End Close Information

June 24, 2011

The following information has been issued regarding year-end close.  As additional information is issued, it will be added to this page.

If you are looking for information and it is not listed here, please contact Accounting Systems Administration at (919) 684-2752

Sales Tax Rate Decrease

June 23, 2011

Sales Tax Rate Decrease

Payroll Update

June 14, 2011

Corporate Payroll Services is excited to announce some upcoming opportunities for departments.  Please review the updates below and share with your departmental colleagues as necessary.

New Biweekly Lump Sum Payment Form, Website Additions

May 4, 2011

A new lump sum payment form is now available for biweekly employees. The Biweekly Award/Lump Sum Payment Form is used to issue awards and approved lump sum payments not related to hours worked to biweekly employees. This form can be found under “Compensation” on the Forms page of the Corporate Payroll Services website.