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Update to Year-end Tax Statement Process for Tax Year 2021

To help you prepare for the annual processing of Year-End Tax Statements (IRS Forms W-2 and 1042-S), this message gives you important information about:

1. Electronic process for Forms W-2

2. Consent process for electronic access

3. Foreign National (Non-resident Alien)

4. Address requirement for mailing of forms

This email message applies to anyone who is or has been an employee of Duke University and Duke University Health System during tax year 2021. If you were NOT an employee during tax year 2021, please disregard this message.




Again, this year the University is pleased to offer the option of accessing your Form W-2 electronically. Last year over 32,000 employees chose to receive their W-2 electronically. The consent process for calendar year 2021 is open through January 3, 2022 @ 11:59 P.M. EST.

If You Previously Consented:

You do not need to provide consent again this year to retrieve your 2021 Form W-2 electronically.  You will receive a notification from Corporate Payroll Services during the month of January, indicating your Form W-2 is available online and giving you instructions on how to access this document.


If you have not previously agreed to receive your information electronically, you can provide consent at any time through January 3, 2022 @ 11:59 P.M. EST. If you DO NOT consent to receive your W-2 electronically by January 3, 2022 @ 11:59 P.M. EST, your W-2 will be placed for delivery by U.S. regular mail.

Benefits of accessing your Form W-2 online include:

  • You will have access to your Form W-2 earlier than the distribution of mailed copies.
  • Your Form W-2 is always available to you for secure, convenient, and timely access.
  • Because you are retrieving your Form W-2 electronically from a secured website, you need not worry that the form will be lost in the mail or stolen from your mailbox and used for identity theft.
  • Duplicates are just a few clicks away, even as late as April 14 or 15.

If you wish to receive your Form W-2 electronically you can do so by logging into Duke@Work, click on the MyInfo tab, then MyPay, click on the W-2 Online Election link.

If you DO NOT follow the steps above and do not consent to receive your Form W-2 by January 3, 2022 @ 11:59 P.M. EST, your Form W-2 will be mailed on January 31, 2022 to the mailing address listed on your MyInfo tab in Duke@Work as of December 31, 2021.


All foreign nationals who are nonresident for U.S. tax purposes receiving compensation exempt from Federal withholding and reporting on Form W-2, will receive a Form 1042-S reflecting all exempt payments issued during 2021.  The form will be mailed no later than March 15, 2022 to the address on file as of December 1, 2021.  If you or your department has updated your mailing address since this time, please notify Corporate Payroll Services of the change by emailing  Please make sure to provide your Duke Unique ID in the email. 



Form W-2 will be mailed to the 'mailing address' listed on the employee's MyInfo tab found in Duke@Work as of December 31, 2021. Forms W-2 and 1042-S cannot be 'forwarded' in the event the mailing address is incorrect and will be returned to the Corporate Payroll office.
For Form W-2 and Form 1042-S mailing purposes, you can change your mailing address in Duke@Work until December 31, 2022.

If you have questions about the Form W-2 and/or Form 1042-S please contact Corporate Payroll Services at 684-2642 or

Kassaundra Hester
Director, Corporate Payroll