SAP Department Security Reports on Financial Reports Tab

June 18, 2014

We are pleased to announce several reports that provide improved SAP security information will be available on June 20, 2014 under the Financial Reports tab. These reports are part of a broader security maintenance initiative to improve transparency around SAP security, workflow assignments and organizational access.

The new reports can be accessed via the hyperlink "Security" on the Financial Reports tab. The following reports have been added:

Department Report – Security Roles

This report provides information on security roles assigned to an organizational unit’s positions. Vacant positions will display the security which the user will receive when the position is filled.

Department Report – Workflow Approvals

This report provides information on workflow approval rules assigned to an organizational unit’s positions. Report specific information includes: approval, approval description, the organization for which the approval is assigned and the forms that use the approval. This report can be run by either the organizational unit for which the approval applies or the organizational unit to which the position is assigned.  

Department Report – Org Unit Assignment Positions

This report provides information on organizational access assigned to an organizational unit’s positions. Organization access is used to secure access to HR/Payroll and other data in SAP. Report specific information includes: organizational unit access granted and its description, profile granting the access, and where the profile is attached – organizational unit or position.

Special Designation Report

This report provides information on special designations assigned to an organizational unit’s positions. Special Designations include: Department Administrators for Sponsored Programs, Travel Reimbursement and Corporate Card Representatives, and Business Managers. Report specific information includes designation and the organizational unit the designation is for.

Standard information included in these first four reports includes: position’s organizational unit and description; position and description; person holding the position and the user ID. All organizational selections include that organizational unit’s children orgs.

Travel Initiators by Org Unit Report

This report provides information on travel initiators in an organizational unit. It provides information on the initiator: organizational unit, position, person and user ID. It also provides information on each employee for whom the initiator can process transactions: personnel number, name, user ID, employee’s organizational unit and position, and how initiation rights were assigned (by PERNR or organizational access).

Travel Initiators for Employees Report

This report provides information on travel initiators for an individual employee. It provides a listing of initiators by person and where their positions are assigned.

If you have questions around these reports or the new SAP Security Application, please contact Accounting Systems Administration at 919-684-2752 or