Phase II Online Travel - Enhancements
In our efforts to introduce additional efficiencies, we have incorporated several changes into the overall process for expense reports. These changes were implemented in partnership with our colleagues in Administrative Systems Management and are a result of an overall review of the process as well as great feedback received from departments. All of the changes noted below will be in effect Wednesday, March 26.
Expense Report Process Changes
- Changes in sequence for workflow approvals
- Employee approval will be moved from the first level of approval to the last, prior to management center approval.
- This change will enable initiators and other approvers to ensure the appropriate funding sources and documentation are in place prior to the employee’s approval.
- Implemented use of Overlapping Trip Dates for non-travel Corporate Card Schema
- Added new Sales Tax expense type in support of 2014 Tax Law changes claiming sales tax exemptions on reimbursements
- NC Sales Tax Out of Pocket - 146000 (All Travel and Out of Pocket Schema Only)
- Receipts will be available from the FI Line Item Reports (Officer receipts (org key DDGD) will be secured and will be available through ET&R.)
Write Off Reminders
In support of your efforts to complete expense reports in preparation for the upcoming write off on April 15, we will be running the “Outstanding Transactions” report each Friday until the write off is complete. Cardholders will receive their first notification regarding the upcoming write off on Friday, March 28.
We know that you are all working through a number of transactions and appreciate your efforts to include them in expense reports in a timely manner. As a reminder, transactions should be incorporated into an expense report, routed for all levels of approval and received in ET&R for final review and approval by the end of the day on April 15, 2014.
Once the expense reports have been initiated, departments can monitor the status by using the Workflow Status Reports located on the Finance tab in Duke@Work. All employees who have access to the Finance tab will be able to run these reports (view pdf instructions).
We appreciate your continued partnership. If you have specific questions, please contact