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Non-compensatory Initiative Updates

We are pleased to share updates regarding some upcoming enhancements to the Non-compensatory processes.

New Process for Non-compensatory Recipients to Enroll in Direct Deposit

As we continue to evaluate efforts for automation and efficiencies, we have launched a new process for Non-comp Direct Deposit. The new process uses information recorded by students using the Duke Hub to create direct deposit records for students receiving Non-compensatory payments.

  • Any updates to direct deposit must be recorded through the Duke Hub prior to the 15th of each month and the student must have an active Noncomp record, in order to affect the current month’s payment.
  • If students elect to change bank accounts, they should plan to leave the old account open until payments are posted to the new account to avoid any timing issues.
  • If there is a need to cancel direct deposit for any reason, students can do so by using the Direct Deposit Form posted on the Corporate Payroll Services website.

This new method eliminates the need for collecting paper forms and will remove an additional step for these students.

Since the creation of direct deposit records will be automated, it will be critical to keep the Non-compensatory roster current. Each department should review their list of recipients on a routine basis throughout the semester to ensure the proper iForms have been processed.

In order to ensure only active recipients are on the Non-compensatory Payment System, we need your assistance with processing Noncomp Termination iForms for students who have not received non-compensatory payments since January 1, 2021. Individual departments should run reports using Duke@Work. A comprehensive list will be sent to each of the respective management centers. Please complete all termination iForms by Friday, July 9, 2021.

Updated Non-compensatory Program Request Form

The Non-compensatory Program Request Form has been updated with some important changes. Please use this form for all prospective requests. Non-compensatory Request Form

More details are included regarding new program requests.

    • Documentation should be attached to the form for both new program requests as well as program renewals. This is necessary, since program requirements often change from the onset of the program.
  • Please discard the old form, if you have soft copies saved.
  • As a reminder, please allow 60 days for new program requests and 30 days for funding source changes.

We appreciate your partnership with this process. Please feel free to contact the Corporate Payroll Services staff by phone at 919-684-2642 or by email using if you have any questions.