Non-compensatory iForms Initiative Updates
As a follow up to our recent go live for the Non-compensatory iForms, we would like to share a few updates and reminders related to this process.
All payment forms should be processed using the Duke@Work portal. The only exceptions are single payments in excess of $7,500.
As a reminder, since the individuals receiving payment on the Non-compensatory Payment System are not employees, they are unable to utilize the Duke@Work portal for changes in tax withholdings and direct deposit information. The individuals may submit paper forms for these transactions.
Please submit Foreign National Information Forms only for individuals who are not already receiving payments through the compensatory payroll.
There are currently nine reports available on the Noncomp iForms tab. New reports have been added and replacements for those that were previously included with delivery of checks/vouchers have been developed. As a result, the final paper reports will be distributed with the July payments. Departments will be able to generate reports through iForms at their convenience.
If your department is creating a new award program to be processed through the Non-compensatory Payment System, please complete the New Non-compensatory Program Request Form. This form will be posted to the Corporate Payroll Services website as of Monday, August 3, 2015.
The deadlines for submitting iForms will be adjusted in support of this electronic initiative. The next deadline is Friday, August 21 at noon. The schedule for the remainder of the year will be posted by mid-August.
Corporate Payroll Services appreciates your continued support as we make enhancements to our payment systems. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the staff at 919-684-2642 or by email at