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New Leave of Absence iForm

We are excited to share an update regarding a new Leave of Absence iForm. The new iForm is available for your use in the Duke@Work tool. A few highlights related to the form are included below.

  1. The iForm is replacing the paper Leave of Absence Form only. This does not replace any leave request forms or provide a leave tracking option. Processes that departments have in place for these actions will remain intact.
  2. The electronic form has been programmed based upon the Leave of Absence policies to ensure the leave periods are designated for the appropriate lengths of time. Please feel free to reference the information on the Duke Human Resources website:
  • Since paperwork for leaves of absence should be processed prior to the start of the leave or in conjunction with the leave, in the event of emergencies, any retroactive Leave of Absence iForms will be routed to the designated management center for additional approvals.
  1. The leave of absence history for employees during the past year will be displayed on the form. There is also a link to an employee’s entire leave history.
  2. In the event a Leave of Absence iForm has been submitted and the employee returns sooner or later than expected, the end date of the leave can be updated.
  3. Documentation can be attached for non-FMLA related leaves of absences, including personal leaves, military, etc.
  4. Quick Reference Guides have been created and have been posted to the website for reference using the following link:

We appreciate your support with this initiative. If you have any questions regarding the new iForm, please feel free to contact the Corporate Payroll Services staff by e-mail at or by phone at 919-684-2642.