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FEDEX Billing Changes

FedEx and Duke Accounts Payable will implement a new electronic process for posting FedEx invoices effective with the October billing.

Please Note:  This Change ONLY affects the way invoices are posted and information that appears on the financial reports.

There is no change to the method that Departments use to indicate which funding source is to be charged, initiate shipments with, or receive shipments from FedEx.

Effective with the October 2012 invoicing, departments currently using FedEx for shipping needs will recognize enhancements to the FedEx invoicing process. The project team members including Corporate Accounts Payable, Administrative Systems Management, OIT, Procurement Services and FedEx have expended extensive efforts during the last several months to ensure all technical and functional enhancements are in place.  We will continue to monitor and review the process through the first few weeks of implementation.

We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the efficiency gains with this new process.  The Duke departments will benefit from more detailed information readily available to them through SAP.


  • Departments will no longer have to search for the FedEx air-bill (tracking number) information by drilling into the SAP invoice document.  The air-bill number will be used as the invoice number in the SAP reference number field.
  • The FedEx invoice number will no longer appear in the SAP reference number field, it will now appear in the SAP document header text field as the header text. Currently “FEDEX Import” appears in the header text field. (see above)
  • The information included in the SAP line item text will include the sender, date of shipment, and recipient.  Currently the sender, air-bill number, and date of shipment appear in the line item text.
  • The SAP document type will change from KN to YD. (see above)
  • The rendered invoice image attached to the SAP invoice document will contain all the detailed information related to the shipment. The current rendered image only contains the information contained in the SAP line item text.