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Electronic W-2 Enrollment

In our efforts to ensure the optimal levels of efficiency, we continue to evaluate business processes. As you are aware, a large number of our Duke colleagues are working remotely during this time. This impacts our ability to distribute the W-2 forms to departmental representatives. Please assist us by encouraging colleagues to enroll in Electronic W-2 Forms. This is especially important to ensure security with confidential information. In addition, the US Postal Services are experiencing an unusually high volume of mail which leads to unintended delays with deliveries.

We will be distributing the attached communication on November 4, 2020 to employees who are receiving paper W-2 forms and who have received earnings in calendar year 2020. If you would like to review a list of the active employees who have the paper election, you may run the reports using the following steps: Duke@Work → iForms → Payroll Reports → Current W-2 Election.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please email or you may contact the Corporate Payroll team at 919-684-2642.

We appreciate your partnership and support with this initiative.