Electronic Secondary Time Card and iForm Initiative
We are excited to provide updates on another initiative which transitions departments from manual paper processes to automated online transactions. Effective June 4, 2012, in conjunction with the biweekly pay period 13, Corporate Payroll Services in partnership with our colleagues in Administrative Systems Management and departmental representatives will introduce an electronic secondary time card, as well as a new secondary position iForm. Duke Temporary Services positions are included in the scope of this initiative and will transition from primary to secondary positions. Human Resources will be distributing communications and updates in the upcoming weeks.
We have leveraged the use of the Duke@Work self-service website and have incorporated the secondary time card under the "My Time" tab. Some of the features of the new tools are included below.
Secondary Position iForm
- Newly created iForm to establish, change, and delimit secondary positions
- Form leverages current position format and allows departments to designate a naming convention for employees who have multiple secondary positions (Ex: 5000001 = Dr. Jones Research Lab)
- Approvers are established while creating/modifying the iForm
- Forms route through both primary and secondary departments for approval
- Retroactive forms route through the retroactive approval process
- Work study forms cannot be created retroactively
Electronic Secondary Time Card
- Employees will access through the "My Time" tab at Duke@Work
- Secondary time cards will be listed by position and naming convention for easy employee identification
- Electronic time cards will show all information found on current paper time cards
- Time card will route to approvers as identified in the Secondary iForm
- Approvers will log into Duke@Work to approve time under the "My Team" tab prior to lockdown
- Department Payroll Representatives and Business Managers will have reporting options to effectively manage the process
The training strategy for this implementation will be a very targeted effort focusing on only those departments who currently have active secondary positions. These departments will receive a separate notification regarding the training dates. Corporate Payroll Services has been contacting departments to ensure secondary position data is current. For those departments who do not currently have secondary positions, but may have a need for these positions in the upcoming fiscal year, we will be hosting monthly training sessions June through August. Also, online videos and training resources will be posted on the Corporate Payroll Services website as an ongoing reference.
We appreciate your continued partnership. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Anne Comilloni, Director, Payroll Operations, at 668-5802.