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Corporate Payroll Services Interim Business Process Changes

In our efforts to support our University and Health System partners who are working remotely, we are introducing several interim processes related to paper payroll forms. If you or your colleagues are working onsite to support critical operations, you may continue to use the secured 705 Broad Street drop boxes available at the various University and Health System locations. The designated Corporate Payroll team member will be making the regularly scheduled pick-ups to the published locations.

Please note that all electronic processes remain in place. Nonexempt employees should continue to record their time through either the Time and Attendance system or the Electronic Time Reporting tool, whichever is applicable. Departments should run reports to ensure that employees have submitted their time records. Also, Departmental Payroll Representatives should run reports to confirm that the designated supervisors/managers have reviewed and approved all of the employees’ time records. This is a good opportunity to remind managers to ensure employees are scheduled to receive their entire payment. A good double check is to ensure the scheduled work time or time away is in alignment with the pay period work schedule.

The team has prepared a document to provide process changes for specific paper forms. The Interim Business Process Changes document is attached for your reference and will be posted on the website by 9:00am this morning.

Also, with regard to check distribution, we have elected to mail all live checks generated in the regular biweekly and monthly payrolls to employee home addresses. As a result, it is critical for the employees who have elected not to participate in direct deposit to make sure their home addresses are updated using Duke@Work.

We hope these process changes will be helpful to support your teams during this time. We appreciate your continued partnership. You may contact the Corporate Payroll Services team at or 919-684-2642, if you have any questions.