Corporate Payroll Services – Important Updates
Corporate Payroll Services is pleased to announce some important updates and reminders about recent changes. Please share this information with your departments.
Distribution of Faculty and Staff Payroll Checks
- Effective October 24, 2014, faculty and staff payroll checks will be grouped by Org Key and distributed to the Department Head. Departments that normally pick up faculty and staff checks at 705 Broad Street may continue this practice as of 8:00am on the designated monthly payday. Please note this process is consistent with the ones used for the biweekly payroll checks, as well as for the paper W-2 forms mailed in January of each year.
Electronic W-2 Opt Out Election
- Please remind your employees who have not already taken advantage of the electronic W-2 forms that they can now log in to Duke@Work and enroll in this online election to discontinue receipt of paper W-2 forms. From a security perspective, this is a much better way to protect confidential data elements such as the social security number and other personal information printed on the annual tax documents. Other benefits with this process are highlighted below.
- Electronic W-2 Forms are available online 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
- Electronic W-2 Forms are available to employees earlier in January, due to the time requirements for the printing process.
- Enhanced security since the online form is accessed using the net ID and password in the Duke@Work Portal.
- Supports the Duke Sustainability initiative
- No action is necessary for staff members who have already enrolled in the electronic W-2 process and have discontinued receipt of paper W-2 forms.
- No action is necessary for staff members who elect to continue receipt of paper W-2 forms.
- For those employees on unpaid leaves of absence and those who terminate from Duke before December 31, please make sure address data is updated during the exit process to ensure timely receipt of tax documents.
- Please note: if employees change addresses after leaving Duke, please remind them to use the form available on the Corporate Payroll Services website to update any address changes.
As always, we appreciate your continued support. Please contact our office at 919-684-2642 or email