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Card Transaction Upload Issue

Card Services has identified an error involving the upload of recent transactions to the on-line travel system. As a result of this error, a small set of transactions with post dates between 07/07/14 and 07/11/14 were uploaded in the on-line travel system with incorrect expense types. For the majority of these transactions, initiators are able to change the expense type and include the transactions in a corporate card non-travel expense report. There is one sub-set of transactions involving RDU Airport Authority that cannot be assigned to a travel expense report. Instead, initiators will need to assign these transactions to a corporate card non-travel expense report.

The upload error that created this issue has been corrected. All transactions with a post date of 07/14/14 and after have been uploaded with the correct expense types assigned.

Card Services apologizes for our oversight and we regret any issues this has caused for your department. If you have questions, please contact Card Services