Duke University continues to put your health and safety as our top priority while traveling on behalf of the University. Duke recognizes that in this rapidly changing world, you may have apprehension about travel, security, and health. It may be challenging for you to contact one of our staff members while traveling should something unexpected occur. It is for these reasons that the University has contracted for travel assistance and evacuation services from a company called International SOS.
Be Prepared!
Make it easy for Duke to find you in an emergency when you are travelling. Register your travel plans.
Take your International SOS membership card with you when you travel abroad. Print your wallet ID card now.
International SOS Assistance gives peace of mind to travelers and expatriates all over the world. Services range from telephone advice and referrals to full-scale evacuation by private air ambulance. The SOS network of multilingual critical care and aero-medical specialists operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from SOS Alarm Centers around the world. Your SOS membership, provided by Duke, is additional protection against unexpected difficulties that can arise when you are away from home on a Duke program. It is designed to supplement the policies, procedures and support staff which the University already has in place as well as your personal international health insurance.
While you are abroad, you should always attempt to contact University staff as instructed during your orientation. If you are traveling, and/or in a situation where you are not able to reach University staff, you should contact SOS, who will begin to meet your needs immediately as well as notify our on-call staff in the United States. Please be aware that some of the services outlined below which SOS provides have additional charges. These services have been marked so that you are aware of them. Should you activate a service which has an additional charge, you authorize Duke University to bill you for this charge once we have been informed of the actual amount by ISOS. Please know that such charges may not be billed until after you have returned from your time abroad.
While the services listed below are comprehensive, International SOS is not international health insurance.
Duke University has contracted with International SOS to offer our travelers the highest possible level of travel, medical and security advice and services, as well as on-line access to information which many insurance companies do not offer. However, the Duke requires all travelers on the University’s behalf to maintain health insurance which covers them while abroad.
Duke University is pleased to offer our community the myriad and comprehensive services of International SOS. With the well being of our travelers as a top priority, International SOS will provide a seamless integration of meeting emergency needs for you while abroad in conjunction with our on-site personnel, policies and procedures. Should you have any questions about International SOS, please contact the Corporate Risk Management department.
Program Benefits
Medical Services
(For evacuation and travel; fees may apply.)
- Emergency evacuation
- Medically-supervised repatriation
- Companion ticket
- Additional travel and accommodation arrangements after medical evacuation
- Repatriation of mortal remains
- Return home of minor children
- Medical monitoring
- Inpatient admission and identification of receiving physician
- Emergency and routine medical advice
- Pre-trip information on travel health issues
- Medical and dental referrals
- Outpatient referrals
- Outpatient case management
- Claims assistance
- Outpatient medical expense guarantee and payment (Fees will apply.)
- Inpatient medical expense guarantee, cost review and payment (Fees will apply.)
- Dispatch of medication and medical supplies (Fees will apply.)
- Travel Services
- Emergency message transmission
- Translations and interpreters (Fees may apply.)
- Lost document advice
- Ground transportation and accommodations for accompanying family
(Fees may apply.)
- Emergency personal cash advances (Fees will apply.)
- International SOS Clinics
Security Services
- Security evacuation assistance
- Online travel security information
- Access to security crisis center
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