Many companies will financially match donations their employees make to nonprofit organizations, such as Duke. In some cases, companies will also match gifts made by board members, spouses and/or retirees. If a donor is eligible for a matching gift program, each time the donor donates to a nonprofit, the donor can ask the company to make a matching gift. While donations are usually matched at a 1:1 ratio, some companies will match at higher ratios. Conversely, some companies may limit the total amount of donations a donor is able to match each year and may also limit the types of causes eligible for a match.
Matching gift requests are usually processed online, and it is up to the donor to initiate the request. In most cases, Duke will then be asked to confirm the details of the original donation. If a company uses paper forms to process matching gifts, it is still up to the donor to initiate the paperwork and send it to ADR for confirmation. Duke cannot request matching gifts on behalf of donors.
When a donor requests a matching gift, the donor will be required to choose a recipient organization. If the donor is selecting from a list of options, the donor should select Duke University. There is no need for the recipient to select or create a record for a specific area (e.g.. Trinity or Pratt) within Duke. Unless restrictions apply, matching funds will be applied to the same designation as the original gift.
Please note matching gifts cannot be applied towards a personal obligation or pledge.
Please see our matching gifts database to find out if a particular organization will match a gift. Alternatively, a donor should reach out to the company’s human resources department or community relations department to inquire about matching gift policies.