Credit Card Gifts

Credit card donations may be made online, sent in by fax, called in by phone, or sent in by mail.  We do not accept credit card information sent in by email or left in voicemail.

Duke accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa through all of the methods described below. 


Credit card gifts can be made online, anytime, at Online credit card gifts must be made before midnight, Eastern Time, on June 30 to be counted for the fiscal year or before midnight, Eastern Time, on December 31 to be counted for the calendar year.  If a donor is making a credit card gift at the end of the fiscal or calendar year, making the gift online is the best way to ensure the gift is processed for the desired fiscal or calendar year.

By fax

Credit card gifts can be sent to ADR’s secure fax machine at (919) 684-8527.

By phone

Donors can call in a credit card gift at (919) 684-2338 during business hours, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.  ADR does not accept credit card information left in voicemail.  

By mail

You can mail credit card gift information to:
Alumni and Development Records
Duke University
Box 90581
Durham, NC 27708-0581

Required Information

Information needed to process a fax, phone or mail credit card transaction:

  • Name on card (please specify if it is a business card)
  • Credit card number
  • Expiration date
  • Security code
  • Billing zip code (if new donor, postal address and email address)
  • Amount
  • Designation or fund code (if multiple designations / fund codes, please provide exact amount per code)
  • If applicable, technique code
  • If applicable, in memory/honor of

Credit Card Issues

If ADR has an issue processing a credit card gift received by fax, phone or mail, ADR will contact the donor by phone or email.  Once correct information is received, the gift will be resubmitted for processing.

Recurring Credit Card Gifts

Recurring credit card gifts cannot be modified or updated online.  If a recurring credit card gift needs to be updated (such as for a new credit card number or expiration date), donors should call ADR at (919) 684-2338.

PayPal, Venmo and eCheck Gifts

Duke accepts PayPal, Venmo and eChecks at   


Credit card refunds will only be issued to the original card and we do not need the original card information to process a full or partial refund. Once ADR processes the refund, any further questions should be directed to the card’s issuing bank. ADR does not control how quickly issuing banks process refunds.

eCheck refunds will not be processed until at least 10 business days have passed since the original transaction was made.