G/L Account Search Results
149500 Institutional Loan: Bad Debt Reserve -
Valid For: DUHS, Univ
Represents a reserve established, as an offset to G/L account 149800, for loans doubtful of collection to reflect appropriately their net collectible value.
149800 Other Notes Receivable -
Valid For: DUHS, Univ
Represents unpaid balances of other notes due to the University for which a specific account has not been established in this series.
149801 Other Notes Receivable: Payroll -
Valid For: Univ
149802 Southside Forgivable Loan Program -
Valid For: Treasury Operations
This G/L account is used to track forgivable loans from the Southside Forgivable Loan Program.\r\n(added 9/2014)
149803 Other Notes Receivable (Hospital) -
Valid For: DUHS
149850 Other Notes Receivable - Joint Venture -
Valid For: Duke Global
Represents unpaid balance of specific joint venture note.
149900 FICA Receivable -
Valid For: DUHS
Represents FICA taxes owed to the University by its employees.
150000 Duke Postal Operations Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
Represents the supplies inventory at the Duke Postal Operations window.
150100 DS - Chick-Fil-A Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
Represents Duke University Dining Service's inventory at this location. Closed May 2014.
150300 DS - Freeman Center Inventory -
Valid For: Univ
Represents food items for resale at the Freeman Center location.
150400 DS - Penn Pavilion Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
Represents Dining Service\'s inventory at the Penn Pavilion location.\r\n
150500 Blue Devil: Concessions -
Valid For: Univ
Represents Duke University Store's inventory for food concessions.
150600 DS - Marketplace Inventory -
Valid For: Univ
To account for inventory at the Marketplace location.
150700 DS - Trinity Caf Inventory -
Valid For: Univ
To account for inventory at the Trinity Caf location.
150800 DS - Faculty Commons Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
CLOSED - Represents Dining Service s inventory at its East Campus Marketplace.
150900 DS - Subway Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To account for inventory at the Subway location. Closed May 2014.
151100 DS - Training Table Inventory -
Valid For: Univ
Represents Dining Service's inventory at the Training Table location.
151200 DS: Oak Room Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
Represents Dining Service's inventories at the Oak Room.
151300 DS: University Catering Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
Represents Dining Service's inventory used by its catering service.
151500 Textbook Store Inventory -
Valid For: Univ
Represents the inventory at the Duke University Bookstore.
152000 DS: Devil's Den -
Valid For: Closed
152300 Facilities Management Division Work Order Material and Supplies Inventory (SAP) -
Valid For: Closed
Represents inventory held by Facilities Management for use in internal work orders which are tracked on the SAP system.
152301 FMD HVAC Shop Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To account for the inventory balance of FMD's HVAC shop inventory.
152302 FMD Electrical Shop Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To account for the inventory balance of FMD's Electrical shop inventory.
152303 FMD Carpentry Shop Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To account for the inventory balance of FMD's Carpentry shop inventory.
152304 FMD Plumbing Shop Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To account for the inventory balance of FMD's Plumbing shop inventory.
152305 FMD GMM Shop Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To account for the inventory balance of FMD's GMM shop inventory.
152306 FMD PM Shop Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To account for the inventory balance of FMD's PM shop inventory.
152307 FMD ML Shop Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To account for the inventory balance of FMD's ML shop inventory.
152308 FMD Consumable Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To track FMD consumable inventory.
152309 Key/Lock Shop Inventory -
Valid For: Closed
To track FMD consumable inventory.
152320 Road Drainage Pipe -
Valid For: Closed
Closed to posting 10/2014
152330 FMD Work Order Materials Inventory (was Tile Inventory) changed 12/27/2013 -
Valid For: Univ
Used to account for FMD inventory.
152600 Medical Center Store Inventory -
Valid For: Univ
Represents inventory at the Medical Center Bookstore.
153600 Gothic Bookstore: Inventory -
Valid For: Univ
Represents the cost of Gothic Bookshop trade books on hand.
153700 Cord Blood Unit Inventory -
Valid For: Univ
To account for cord blood inventory for Department of Pediatrics.
153701 Research Tissue -
Valid For: Univ
This G/L account should be charged with the cost of obtaining, processing, storing, and maintaining an inventory of surplus human tissue for use in research for the School of Medicine Research Foundation.
154100 Marine Laboratory Stockroom -
Valid For: Univ
Represents the inventory in the DUML stockroom.
154200 Radiology: X-ray Film Storeroom -
Valid For: DUHS, Univ
Represents inventory of radiology x-ray film.
154202 Radiology Films: Clinics -
Valid For: DUHS
154210 Radiation-Oncology -
Valid For: DUHS
To record inventory for items in the Duke Hospital Radiation-Oncology department.
154300 Hospital O.R.: Surgical Appliances -
Valid For: DUHS
Represents surgical appliances (normally implanted surgical prostheses) inventory.
154301 DNOR: Surgical Appliance Inventory (SAP) -
Valid For: DUHS
New account for the Surgical Appliance Inventory that will be managed through the SAP system.
154303 Duke North: Sterile Processing Inventory -
Valid For: DUHS
This is a new inventory account for the patient charge items that are in the Duke North Sterile Processing department.
154500 Pharmacy: Bulk Storage -
Valid For: DUHS
Represents value of the drug and pharmaceutical inventory. This reserve inventory is located in Duke North in three areas:
- Room 0612 - Pharmacy Reserve Storage
- Room 0412 - Walk-in Refrigerator
- Room 0415 - Pharmacy Narcotic Cage
154501 LCHC Pharmacy Inventory -
Valid For: DUHS
154502 Pharmacy Satellite Inventory -
Valid For: DUHS
To carry the value of satellite inventory separate from Pharmacy Bulk Storage.
154503 Pharmacy Inventory - DMP -
Valid For: DH, DUHS Corporate Finance
Represents the value of the inventory at the Duke Medicine Pavilion pharmacy location.
154504 Pharmacy Storeroom Perpetual Inventory -
Valid For: DH
Represents the value of pharmacy storeroom inventory in the Omnicell system.
154600 DRHC Inventory -
Valid For: DUHS