GAP 200.250, Destruction of Accounting Records


  1. Policy Statement
  2. General Responsibility
  3. Destruction Guidelines for Documents Maintained in Financial Services
  4. Destruction Guidelines for Documents Maintained in Departments

I. Policy Statement

All Duke University financial records should be maintained and destroyed in the manner outlined in this GAP. Official accounting records of the University should not be destroyed under any circumstances until proper authorization for their destruction has been obtained. Refer to Section II of this GAP.

II. General Responsibility

Official accounting records of Duke University should be retained for periods of time specified in GAP 200.240, Retention Periods for Accounting Documents. When the retention period ends, the records must be authorized for destruction.

III. Destruction Guidelines for Documents Maintained in Financial Services

The Controller’s Division is responsible for storing and/or scanning most original accounting documents that are maintained in Financial Services.  Accounting Systems Administration (ASA) is responsible for maintaining records of all paper accounting documents stored offsite.  For each storage box, ASA records:

  1. A description of the documents stored in the box
  2. The date(s) of the documents
  3. The date established for destruction
  4. The responsible department

In addition to boxes stored offsite, ASA maintains a list of all document types stored within each department in the Controller’s Division.  Retention guidelines specified in GAP 200.240, Retention Periods for Accounting Documents also apply to accounting documents stored in departments outside the Controller’s Division.  The destruction guidelines are applicable to these documents as well.  Refer to section IV of this GAP. The steps for obtaining authorization to destroy official University accounting documents stored offsite by the Controller's Division are listed below:

  1. In August and February of each year, ASA runs a report listing the documents due for destruction.
  2. The reports are distributed to the responsible department.
  3. The manager of the department signs the form approving destruction of the boxes and indicates the method of destruction (shred, landfill, recycle) for each box.
  4. ASA disposes of the boxes as indicated.  This will take place in September and March.

IV. Destruction Guidelines for Documents Maintained in Departments

Departments also have official Duke University accounting documents, for example sponsored program files, paper backup for Journal Vouchers entered into SAP, Procurement Card receipts, verification of reconciliation tracking, backup for Bursar deposits, etc.. These documents should be reviewed periodically and destroyed in accordance with GAP 200.240, Retention Periods for Accounting Documents. Prior to destruction, approval of the department manager or director must be received. Documents are either shredded or sent to the landfill, according to their confidentiality. A record of destruction should be maintained.


Accounting Systems Administration

Issued Date

April 1, 1997

Last Revised

March 1, 2009

Review Frequency

November 2003, December 2004

Policy types

GAP - Accounting & Cash Handling, General Accounting Procedures


GAPs - Account & Cash