GAP 200.135, Acquisition of Goods and Services Overview


  1. General
  2. Corporate Card
  3. Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form
  4. Accounts Payable Check Request
  5. Purchase Order
  6. Embargoed and Sanctioned Countries

I. General

The below will assist in determining the best method for purchasing and paying for goods and services. Using the information below determine the method that best fits the situation. 

Use the link for the method chosen in order to review the specific procedures. These procedures will detail the steps to take, and the approvals that are necessary.

II. Corporate Card

  • Where appropriate and authorized for your department or facility
  • Purchases of goods for less than $1,500.00
  • Payment for individual memberships and licenses
  • Payment can not be for the following:
    • Capital Equipment
    • Payments to Individuals
    • Leases and long-term rentals
    • Animals
    • Weapons and ammunition
    • Controlled Substances
    • Medical/Surgical supplies used in hospital or clinical patient care areas

III. Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form

  • Reimbursement payments to Employees and Students.
  • If the Corporate card is not available, individual memberships & licenses are to be paid by the employee and reimbursed using the Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form.
  • For payments to experimental subjects and blood donors use the Experimental Subject Payment Form.

IV. Accounts Payable Check Request

Can be used for the following:

  • Architects
  • Attorneys
  • Auditors
  • Awards
  • Catering Services
  • Conference Participants
  • Contributions
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Gifts
  • Guest Speakers/Lecturers
  • Honoraria
  • Hotels
  • Petty Cash / Change Fund / Research Fund
  • Insurance
  • Licenses/Certificates for the Corporation
  • Musical or Theater Production Groups
  • Musicians
  • Payments to PDC
  • Performing Artist
  • Play Production Design
  • Postage U.S. Postmaster
  • Referees
  • Royalties
  • Settlement Payments
  • Services provided outside the US where the total cost of the engagement is $10,000 or less
    • Except for services that include patient care or access to patient information
    • Except for services that include access to student information
    • Except for Sponsored agreements that include explicit compliance requirements (reviewed by Sponsored Programs)
    • Federal Contracts (reviewed by Sponsored Programs)
  • Sponsored Programs Sub-Recipient Payments
  • Subscription Renewals
  • Taxes
  • Tuition Assistance/ Grant
  • Umpires
  • All other payments for services where the total cost of the engagement is less than $2,500 unless payment is for services involving patient care, access to patient information, printing and design, a temporary staffing agency or construction.

V. Purchase Order

For all purchases/payments that should not be paid via the corporate card, Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form, or an Accounts Payable Check Request; or for those departments who choose to use the Purchase Requisition or Buy@Duke cart and Purchase Order process: a purchase requisition or Buy@Duke cart is submitted to Procurement Services.

Procurement Services will issue a Purchase Order.

Per the Purchase Order, the invoice will be submitted to Accounts Payable, it will be paid against the Purchase Order.

Payments to consultants (other than the consultants specifically listed in the AP check request section) where the total project cost is in excess of $2500 must go through the Purchase Order process.

  • Procurement Services

VI. Embargoed and Sanctioned Countries

The US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) bans or restricts financial transactions with certain countries. Prior to engaging in any financial transactions with these countries please contact Duke’s Office of Export Controls to determine if the transaction is allowed. Please see their website for a list of the countries.

Duke’s Corporate Accounts Payable Department reviews all payment request to these countries with the Office of Export Controls.

Policy types

GAP - Engaging & Paying Consultants, General Accounting Procedures


GAPs - Consultants